Thursday, March 19, 2009

Time Out (Part 2)

I took a time out today because I managed to leave everything in God's hands. I had a follow up appointment the other day with the urologist, and he said that the surgery was a success, and any problems with urinary incontinence could be treated with medication. I also attended a workshop on unemployment benefits, and I found out that I was not the only one who was over 40 years old, professional, and out of a job. Even after crunching the numbers one more time, I was (re)assured that my severance package and unemployment benefits could supplement my wife's salary so that we would have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, and food on the table for the time being.

So, just for today, I am basically OK. I have to grudgingly admit that all of my needs, and many of wants, are being satisfied. Still, I catch myself sometimes looking at the glass empty and dwelling on the fact that no one else has called me for an interview after having spent a month applying for every job opening that came my way. That thought is followed with the realization that perhaps dozens of out-of-work technical writers are also applying for the same jobs (and who I to presume I am the most qualified person for each and every position).

Perhaps, after 20 years as a technical writer, it is time for me to move on. You see, I didn't set out after graduating from college to be a technical writer (although journalism majors have few options). I spent a year as a marketing communications writer for a semiconductor company and over six years as a technical editor for computer trade maagzines even before I landed by first technical writing job. Still, I catch myself saying "Been there, done that" all too often when I read job postings, a sure sign that I am becoming complacent (or just plain burned out).

So, I'm taking a time out today because I may have hit that proverbial fork in the road, and I need to figure out what which way to turn.

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