Thursday, April 23, 2009

Plan B

I am in the process of planning Plan B since I was passed over for an in-person interview after the phone screen (the disappointment was brief due to the likely long commute). So I took an outplacement workshop on starting your own business or consulting last week, and it gave me a lot of ideas and information about the possibilities.

I probably have the abilities and mindset to start my own business, but the risks are probably not worth it at this time (something like 27% of small businesses fail in the first two years). I also met an engineer in the workshop who worked with a patent attorney on reviewing patent applications, and he made some suggestions that I'm actively considering about taking those technical communication skills translating engineering specs into understandable English (which the attorney can then obfuscate with the necessary legal mumbo jumbo).

I got a better understanding of consulting from the W-2 and 1099 tax consequences, and since there are still opportunities being posted, that may be a viable Plan B. I'm sitting on the fence on the contracting thing because it potentially messes up the unemployment checks whether I go on a W-2 or 1099 basis, but I don't want to be out of work too long. Still, this may be a delusion anyway since it is likely that 5000 additional ex-Sun employees will be joining me (see Parting Ways).

So for now, it looks like my unemployment check and my wife's paycheck will be the most steady income while I'm get ready for the next move.

The Second Time Around (Postscript)

 I actively pursued many hobbies when I was young : hiking in the Santa Cruz mountains; kayaking on Montterey Bay;  mountain biking to Missi...